Energy saving, low consumption, green development, aluminum processing division is taking action

On June 13, the Aluminum Processing Division carried out series of activities about the theme of the week-long national campaign to promote energy conservation "Green and Low-Carbon, Energy Saving First" and the National Low-Carbon Day "Implement the 'Double Carbon' Action and Build a Beautiful Homeland".

The activity combines the actual production situation of the company, and encourages employees to actively participate in energy-saving and emission-reduction activities through publicity posters, online videos, energy-saving special training and theoretical examinations, and comprehensively creates a good atmosphere for green development, energy conservation and carbon reduction. In recent years, the Aluminum Processing Division has deeply practiced the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, increased investment in environmental protection, actively carried out technological transformation of high-energy-consumption equipment, strengthened the control of electricity and gas energy consumption and daily energy-saving check, and opened shuttle services to advocate for employees. Green travel, launched its own brand Longding "Aluminum Expert" aluminum foil lunch box and aluminum foil paper to replace disposable tableware, and continued to improve energy utilization and reduce energy consumption through scientific and technological research and development, solidly promote green, low-carbon, energy-saving and emission-reduction work through practical actions.

The leader of the Aluminum Processing Division said that this energy-saving campaign week will further enhance the employees' awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection, deepen the concept of energy conservation and carbon reduction and green development, and escort the healthy and sustainable development of the company.